Exclusive: Adilson Pacheco interview Jeroen Wats Ceo G-Force Yachts

  • Jeroen E Force (36)
  • Force Yachts is widely Considered the the leading expert in producing and Developing high performance sailing yachts, Which are true world-beaters in Their segment. Today’s range is exported around the world.
  • Working with people with vision, passion and care for Their work is undeniably key to Achieve great success.
  • Jeroen Wats – A nautical entrepreneur who seeks the consolidation of its products in the international market. Jeroen is a young ousadao entrepreneur who founded the G-Force Yachts.
  • G-Force Yachts is widely regarded as the leading expert in producing and developing high-performance yachts to sailing, who are true world-beaters in their segment. Range today is exported worldwide. Working with people with vision, passion and care for your work is undeniably critical to achieving great success.
  1. Historical a successful career

In 2003, Jeroen participated in the transatlantic Cape to Rio Ocean Race, the longest race from continent to continent yacht in the South. Sailing with big guys on board, the campaign proved to be very successful and changed the lives of Jeroen forever. After 20 days on the water, he was convinced that this could be done in 16 days. A year after his return from Rio de Janeiro, Jeroen started G-Force Yachts. Although it is not always easy, Jeroen says it’s the best move he ever made in his life and 12 years and some 600 boats later, he’s still enjoying it tremendously.

  1. 2016 will see the new X-Treme 26 hit the water at the end of the month and race for the first time in Round JP Morgan Asset Management the Island Race around the Isle of Wight on July 2, followed by HP Nationals in Plymouth July 15, 16 and 17. Jeroen Wats run these two races with Ifor Pedley, G-Force Yachts distributor for the UK and Ireland.
  2. Jeroen E Force (42)

 Jeroen gave this exclusive in market before these economic crises.

Exclusive interview
Adilson Pacheco

Jeroen We can see the market is getting up again. However we see that we have to work even much harder to close orders. We travel to the market. The market doesn’t come to us as it was before the crisis.

Regata News  – The sector has no problems due to the high purchasing power of their buyers ???

Jeroen We are very specialized in high performance yachts which requires other materials then the cruising yacht market. In our segment we are a good player and don’t have problems on the purchase side

Regata News –  In Europe, where the obstacles that entrepreneurs face shipbuilding taxes Bureaucracy Government?

Jeroen – We see bureaucracy is often an issue in Southern Europe. We are a Dutch company and I have to say that The Netherlands is a very nice country for running a business

Regata News – And everything is free or – You are launching a new boat – talk a little about it?

Jeroen – Yes the new X-Treme 32. It will be a flat-out racer designed around the IRC and ORC rules. Built in vinylester with a Gurit core, a carbon rig and carbon boom and rod rigging.

The X-Treme 32 will be delivered with a 12hp inboard diesel engine and will comply with the CE category A regulations.

Attached you find the polar diagram, the concept design and the pricelist.

The keel will be very easy to take off making delivery all around the world by open top container easy. 

Regata News – How much ? How many units have been sold. – What is your biggest challenge in 2016 – With the emergence of the European Common Market improved sales to the shipbuilding industry ?? – Brazilians buy their boats and or not yet arrived in the Brazilian market.

Jeroen The last 12 years we have built and sold over 600 units. The biggest challenge for 2016 is to stay alert on market movements and launching the new X-Treme 32


*Edição – Adilson Pacheco
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