Finn Gold Cup: The Olimpic Finn World Championship arrives in Gaeta



  • 82 athletes from 25 different countries
  • Paoletti, Poggi and Baldassari are running for the last chance to Rio 2016

Gaeta – It’s all ready at the Base Nautica Flavio Gioia for the 2016 Finn Gold Cup, which will take place in Gaeta (Italy) from 5th to 13th May, 2016. Organizing authorities of the Italy’s greatest sail competition are the Yacht Club Gaeta E.V.S. and the International Finn Association, in partnership with Sezione vela Fiamme Gialle, Club Nautico Gaeta and Lega Navale Italiana Gaeta and the patronage of Comune di Gaeta and CONI Comitato Regione Lazio.

82 athletes are competing for the gold cup, representing 25 countries, among them Giles Scott (United Kingdom), who won 3 world titles in the last 3 years, and the silver medalist at the London 2012 Olympic Games, Jonas HoghChristensen (Denmark). Between the 16 Italian competitors, there are Giorgio Poggi and Filippo Baldassari, Olympic sailors at Beijing 2008 and London 2012, Enrico Voltolini and Michele Paoletti, challenging for the chance to represent Italy in the 2016 Rio Olimpic Games. Federico Colaninno of the YC Gaeta E.V.S., born in 1999, is the youngest of the group.

They Jury’s commission will be headed by Peter Reggio.
Vincenzo Addessi, President of YC Gaeta E.V.S., remarks the importance of the solid collaboration with the principals institutional and organizing partners. “I want to spend some words giving thanks to Comune di Gaeta, which has been a true cornerstone in solving the problems we had. Finn Gold Cup is Italy’s greatest sail competition and numerous are the direct benefits that this event brings on our territory and image”, Luca Simeone, CEO of Base Nautica Flavio Gioia, stated.

Cosmo Mitrano, Mayor of Comune di Gaeta, says that is a great honour for Gaeta to organize an international event which enforce the connections between sport and territory in the area. “A great appreciation goes to the organizers whose commitment and passion help me promoting the sail events that take place in Gaeta and make this city a great
location for this kind of ceremonies. I wish this partnership to be very long lasting”, Luigi Ridolfi, Councilor for Sport,
“In the last few years Gaeta’s yacht club has been one of the main spot for many sail enthusiasts, thanks to a large offering of events throughout Italt and the world – underlines Riccardo Viola, president of CONI Lazio – We are proudto organize such an important manifestation, not only for the sail world, but also for Italian sport in general and for theRegion of Lazio. For our athletes will be even more exciting to compete in an Italian location”.

The Opening Ceremony is foreseen on Friday 6th May (6 p.m.) at the Base Nautica Fulvio Gioia. Practice Race will takeplace on 7th and fleet races will start Sunday 8th and will end Friday 13th May with the Medal Race.


*Edição – Adilson Pacheco
MTB: 0002362/SC