Evo 43 “Official Tender” at the Rolex Capri International Regatta 2016

Evo43_Rolex International
Evo43_Rolex International

Evo Yachts’ innovative 13-meter has been chosen as official tender for the prestigious international sailing competition
– Is taking place right in these days the 17° edition of the Rolex Capri International Regatta; Evo 43, the revolutionary 13-meter from Evo Yachts, is there as official tender. The competition, organized by the Italian Yacht Club, Yacht Club Capri and Circolo Canottieri Aniene, in collaboration with Rolex, takes place from May 25th to May 28th 2016, right in front of Capri.

Side by side with the Super Yachts, Maxi and Minimaxi racing and cruising fleet, there is also Evo 43, Evo Yacht’s super technological day-cruiser, siding the sailing field so to allow VIP guests on board to experience the emotion of the races from an absolutely privileged point of view.
In four days of sailing around the most beautiful islands in the Gulf of Naples, Evo 43 and its guests are following closely the world best crews’ performances, on board the most prestigious offshore sailing classes.
Vito Prato, CEO Sea Engineering, Group that owns Evo Yacht’s brand, declared: “Rolex Cup has definitely been one of the most prestigious experiences Evo 43 rewarded us with. We are extremely proud to have been chosen as the official tender, which allowed us to follow closely all the regattas. With the racing crews, then, we feel like we share the same passion for the sea, speed and challenges, the same passion that has led us to design first, and then built later, the Evo 43”.
Evo Yachts, whose first model EVO 43 was launched in September 2015, is the new brand born at the beginning of 2015 by the passion, the skills and abilities of the Sea Engineering Group, active in the field of yachting since 2008, with over 150 boats produced with Blue Ice and Blue Martin brands.

Fonte – Caterina Cappiello

*Edição – Adilson Pacheco
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