Itália :Azimut|Benetti – Avigliana Headquarter hosts 50 Ferrari







Eccellenze motoristiche”, the yearly motoring event of Ferrari and heritage cars, stopped in Avigliana the 10th of September. Two hundred guests gathered in the prestigious frame of Azimut Benetti Shipyard for a unique experience of tecnology, power and italian style

On Saturday the 10th of September, the Azimut|Benetti Shipyard in Avigliana (Turin) hosted “Eccellenze motoristiche”, the yearly motoring event of Ferrari and heritage cars. The event started on Friday the 9th of September in Strona (Biella) and ended in La Thuille (Ao) on Sunday the 11th of September.


Almost 50 cars and 200 participants arrived in Azimut|Benetti Head Quarter. The guests, people all fond of Ferrari and heritage cars, visited the shipyard where the famous Yachts are made and whizzed on their cars for a challenging run between the plants. Challengers also had the opportunity of discovering the work processes, the passion and the Italian craftsmanship’s quality of Azimut|Benetti.

The event gathered two Made in Italy excellences, two brands that are synonymous with luxury, innovation and prestige: on one side, the shining beauty of Ferrari cars and, on the other, the sinuous and hi-tech shapes of worldwide famous Azimut yachts. With the welcoming of Azimut Yachts shipyard for a trip in the unique Italian excellence.